EyeCGas Multi and the EyeCGas Mini are very simple to operate. They are virtually a plug and play camera. Using the sensitivity mode in the EyeCGas Multi or the Automatic gas Detection mode in the EyeCGas Mini will enable all inspectors to view Methane and over 400 VOC’s not visible to the naked eye. All from a safe distance.
However, just like everything else in life, experience is the key to a successful inspection. The more experience the operator will have, the faster and more efficient the inspection will be.
Here are a handful of tips which will help you with get the most out of your OGI camera:
- Temperature Background (ΔT)
Always look for the biggest difference in temperature between the gas and background. Move the OGI camera around the area of interest until you find the best background. - Distance Influence
Remember, in order to detect small leaks with your OGI camera, you will most likely need to be closer them, larger leaks can be detected from a distance. You can also have the interchangeable spectral filters and lenses of the EyeCGas Multi to improve visibility for long range detection. Especially when using the camera in humid conditions. - Wind Velocity and Direction
Leaks move due to pressure and air movement, so make sure you are standing with the EyeCGas Multi perpendicular to the wind. Keep in mind that the stronger the wind, the harder it will be to see the leak. - Glare, Sun Position and Reflectivity
We know that the glare from the sun can make it very difficult at times to see the screen of the camera. Use the glare shield to avoid the external illumination on the screen. The glare shield also magnifies the image X3. It is one of the most useful addons to the EyeCGas Multi. - Enhance Mode Performance
In your OGI camera. use the Enhance mode of operation to allow higher sensitivity and better gas leak detection. Go though the different modes until you have a clear indication of where the leak is.
In conclusion, over time, an OGI camera operator will be able to quickly know how to maximize the results of the EyeCGas Multi during an inspection. However, to get you off the right foot, Opgal and its international partners offer an OGI Certification and course.
Our certified international trainers have extensive knowledge and experience to train operators, field technicians and anyone interested in becoming a certified OGI camera operator. Upon successful completion of the course, participants will receive an OGI certification.
Find out more here: